

Tryptic map of Tuna Cytochrome C - Jupiter Proteo

Application Detail (App ID: 14368)

Part No:00G-4396-E0
Dimensions:250 x 4.6 mm ID
Elution Type:Gradient
Elution A:Water with 1.25mM TFA
Elution B:Acetonitrile with 1mM TFA
Gradient Profile:
Step No. Time (min) Pct A Pct B
1 0 95 5
2 5 95 5
3 60 60 40

Flow Rate:1 mL/min
Col. Temp: ambient
Detection: UV-Vis Abs.-Variable Wave.(UV) @ 210 nm (22°C)
Note:SecurityGuard™ Guard Cartridge System extends column lifetime.
- SecurityGuard Cartridges, C12 4 x 3.0mm, 10/Pk Part No.: AJ0-6074
- Holder Part No.: KJ0-4282

Analyte Details

Analyte Detail not available

Cytochrome c