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Sample Preparation Solutions Made Easy »
Simplifying Column Selection for LC/MS Applications »
Critical Choices: Best Practices for Improving GC Methods »
In a world where illicit drugs are readily available and ever developing, today’s forensic scientists have a unique challenge to identify substances from complex matrices, quantify them, and move to the next one as fast as possible.
Phenomenex offers complete line of sample preparation and chromatographic solutions for all forensics lab needs. Regardless of matrix, analytes or concentration, we have the products, applications, and support to help forensic toxicologists perform at their very best.
Specialized SPE sorbents for drugs of abuse analysis.
Utilizing a single SPE sorbent and only 3 extraction methods, 11 drugs from 6 different SAMHSA regulated drug classes are effectively extracted and analyzed by LC/MS and GC/ MS.
This work provides a method for resolving propanal from ethanol for accurate BAC analysis via headspace GC using two novel GC phases, Zebron ZB-BAC1 and ZB-BAC2, ensuring the utmost accuracy for BAC analysis.
In one step and less than 1 minute you can instantly boost the sensitiity of your drug screens with β-Gone β-Glucuronidase Removal Tubes and 96-Well Plates.
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