

Phenomenex bioZen LC Columns

for Biologics Analysis

Phenomenex bioZen Information

  • Explore a New State of Zen for:
  • Peptide Mapping Aggregate Analysis Glycan Analysis Peptide Quantitation Drug Antibody Ratio Intact Mass Intact and Fragment Analysis
Ti Biocompatible Titanium Frit
Traditional Stainless Steel
Ti Biocompatible Titanium

Introducing Phenomenex Biozen HPLC/UHPLC Columns

With a new titanium hardware to minimize priming, four particle platforms for optimal versatility and nine particle chemistries to maximize selectivity and sensitivity, Biozen UHPLC/HPLC columns are seamlessly designed to bring peace of mind to your

  • Aggregate Analysis

    Quantitation of aggregate is a critical quality attribute in biopharmaceutical development. The determination of monomer, dimer, and multimer, as well as higher order structure (quaternary structural determination of a mAb), and high/low molecular weight species are commonly observed through size exclusion chromatography.

  • Drug Antibody Ratio (DAR)

    The average drug-to-antibody ratio (DAR) is critical to assess in the development of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs). Though different chromatography modes can be employed to determine DAR, a highly effective method utilized reversed phase chromatography.

  • Glycan Analysis

    Glycosylation of proteins-specifically monoclonal antibodies-have indications on protein structure and is arguably the most critical post-translational modification to characterize in biopharmaceutical development. N-glycan analysis through hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) is a robust method for absolute quantitation of glycoforms and is the gold standard for glycosylation characterization.

  • Intact Mass

    Intact mass analysis involves using high resolution accurate mass (HRAM) instrumentation to confirm protein sequence and identify post-translational modifications. Often in combination with reversed phase chromatography, intact mass analysis is utilized on native proteins, mAbs, and ADCs in biopharmaceutical development.

  • Intact and Fragment Analysis

    Observation of intact protein and fragmented protein during impurity profiling is essential in biologic development. Utilizing reversed phase chromatography on native protein and partially fragmented protein scientists can observe characteristics including heavy chain/light chain, Fc/Fab, or isoforms.

  • Peptide Mapping

    For protein characterization, peptide mapping is commonly used for identification of non-enzymatic, spontaneous post translational modifications, such as deamidation, oxidation, succinimide formation, pyroglutamate formation, and others. Reversed phase chromatography is used for confirming primary sequence, but is more commonly for PTM identification.

  • Peptide Quantitation

    The determination of signature peptide concentration from biological matrices using LC-MS. Scientists utilize peptide quantitation to deconvolute complex chromatograms by searching for specific peptide sequences, which can analyze the peptides with high sensitivity and specificity, even at low levels of peptide.

  • Charge Variant Analysis (IEX)

    Separate MABs from from acidic/basic variants .

  • Whether you are working with
  • novel proteins

    Complex large molecules composed of amino acid polymer chains. Proteins in biopharmaceuticals typically range from 3,000-150,000 kDa. Under the biologics classification, biopharmaceutical proteins can be hormones, human growth factors, and monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). The most common biopharmaceutical proteins are insulin and mAbs.

  • or biosimilars

    A biologic with the same sequence and similar function to an innovator biologic. The characterization of biosimilars requires the same chromatographic techniques as its corresponding innovator biologic

  • Biozen UHPLC columns are guaranteed
  • to help you analyze large biologics. Explore bioZen Nano LC Columns: Focus, Fractionate, and Trap!
biozen nano LC columns

Biozen 0.075mm ID columns allow for minimized band broadening and improved analyte focusing for increased sensitivity for separation of omics. biozen 0.075mm ID columns are available in the following phases and particle sizes:

  • 3µm PS-C18
  • 3µm Polar C18
  • 2.6µm XB-C18

Introducing Biozen NX-C18 phase for robust, reproducible, high pH fractionation. bioZen NX-C18 columns offre high efficiency and reproducible performance in comparsion to traditional fractionation columns on the market

biozen LC columns
biozen nano LC traps

Biozen trap columns are the perfect fit for your 0.075mm ID nano LC columns and are available in both a general reverse phase and aqueous stable reversed phase selectivities.

Intact XB-C8

Intact XB-C8 Phase Information

Large pore core-shell particle for fast intact biologic entry. C8 provides highly useful moderate hydrophobic selectivity.

Document Type:
Document Type Title
Technical Notes A Simple Quantitative Method for Monoclonal Antibody Coformulations Add to My Documents
Brochures Advance Oligonucleotide Method Development with the NEW bioZen Oligo Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Aggregate Analysis of a Bispecific Antibody Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Aggregate Analysis of an IgG2 Monoclonal Antibody using a Biozen dSEC-2 LC Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Aggregate Analysis of Fc-Fusion Proteins using a Biozen dSEC-2 LC Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Aggregate Analysis of Monoclonal Antibodies using bioZen SEC-3 Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Aggregate Analysis of Recombinant Human Growth Hormone Add to My Documents
Technical Notes An Optimized Protocol for the 2 mg/well Clarity OTX Microelution 96-Well Plates Add to My Documents
Technical Notes An Optimized Protocol for the 25 mg/well Clarity OTX 96-Well Plates Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Analysis of IdeS Digested Monoclonal Antibody Fragments Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Analysis of IgdE Digested Monoclonal Antibody Fragments Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Arginine as a Mobile Phase Co-solvent to Improve High Molecular Weight Aggregate Recovery for Size Exclusion Chromatography Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Assessing Column Lifetime of a UHPLC Size Exclusion Column using a Biozen dSEC-2 LC Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Assessment of Column Priming for sub-2 µm Size Exclusion Columns Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Assessment of Disulfide Variants of IgG2 Monoclonal Antibodies by Intact Reversed Phase Add to My Documents
Brochures Better Sensitivity and Selectivity with Biozen Nano LC Columns For Omics Analysis Add to My Documents
Brochures Biocompatible Hardware Brochure Add to My Documents
Brochures Biologics Workflow: Aggregate Analysis (bioZen SEC Columns) Add to My Documents
Brochures Biosimilars Chromatographic Characterization Guide Add to My Documents
Technical Notes bioZen 2.6 μm Nano Peptide XB-C18 Column Core-shell Technology Results in Improved Peptide Identifications in HeLa Cell Lysates in Comparison to Competitor Brands With and Without a Nano-Trap Column Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Biozen Column Care Note Add to My Documents
Brochures Biozen dSEC Application Guide Add to My Documents
Brochures Biozen dSEC Column Product Guide Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Biozen dSEC-2 Competitive Flyer Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Biozen dSEC-2 FAQ flyer Add to My Documents
Brochures bioZen FAQ Brochure Add to My Documents
Brochures bioZen High pH Fractionation Application Guide Add to My Documents
Brochures bioZen MagBeads: Streptavidin Coated Paramagnetic Beads Product Guide Add to My Documents
Brochures bioZen Nano LC Application Guide Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs bioZen Nano LC Trap Installation Guide Add to My Documents
Brochures bioZen Native MS Application eBook Add to My Documents
Brochures bioZen Oligo Application Guide Add to My Documents
Brochures bioZen Oligo Biocompatible Hardware Difference Add to My Documents
Brochures Biozen Oligo LC Column Brochure Add to My Documents
Other bioZen Phase Poster Add to My Documents
Brochures Biozen Product Guide Add to My Documents
Technical Notes bioZen Tech Tip: Deglycosylation Add to My Documents
Technical Notes bioZen Tech Tip: Drug-Antibody Ratio (DAR) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes bioZen Tech Tip: Intact Mass Add to My Documents
Technical Notes bioZen Tech Tip: Loading Capacity for SEC and Reversed Phase HPLC/UHPLC Add to My Documents
Technical Notes bioZen Tech Tip: N-Glycan Analysis Add to My Documents
Technical Notes bioZen Tech Tip: Organic Solvent and Size Exclusion Add to My Documents
Technical Notes bioZen Tech Tip: Peptide Mapping Add to My Documents
Technical Notes bioZen Tech Tip: Size Exclusion and a Well Salted Buffer Add to My Documents
Other bioZen WCX vs. Thermo ProPac WCX-10 Flyer Add to My Documents
Brochures bioZen WidePore C4 Application Guide Add to My Documents
Brochures bioZen WidePore C4 Product Brochure Add to My Documents
Brochures bioZen WidePore Q&A Brochure Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Biozen™ Column Portfolio Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Biozen dSEC-2 Guard column Flyer Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Charge Variant Analysis of Cetuximab under pH and Salt Gradients using a bioZen 6 μm WCX Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Charge Variant Analysis of NIST mAb using Native MS and bioZen 6 µm WCX Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Charge Variant Analysis of Trastuzumab using a bioZen™ 6 µm WCX Column with a pH Gradient and Native MS Detection Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Column Bed Stability During Routine Size Exclusion Chromatography Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Column Reproducibility and Robustness using the bioZen Nano 2.6 μm XB-C18 LC Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Comparison of Fully Porous and Superficially Porous Particles for the Analysis of Synthetic Oligonucleotides Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Comparison of Polymeric and Silica-Based Columns for Oligonucleotide Analysis by Ion-Pair Reversed Phase Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Complementary Selectivity of Biozen 2.6 μm XB-C18 Peptide and Biozen 1.6 μm PS-C18 Peptide Columns for Improved Peptide Mapping (TN-1256) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Coupling Minaturized SPE with bioZen XB-C18 Nano Core-Shell Technology for the Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Nucelocapsid Protein Viral Peptides in Nasopharyngeal Samples Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Deep Proteome Coverage on HeLa Lysate using a bioZen™ Fractionation Column for High pH (Basic Reversed Phase) Fractionation in Combination with a bioZen Nano Peptide XB-C18 Column for Nano Flow LC-MS Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Defining the Parameters for Native Mass Spectroscopy Separation using Size Exclusion (SEC) Standards and bioZen™ 1.8 µm SEC-3 Columns Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Determination of Average DAR of an Antibody Drug Conjugate (ADC) Mimic using a bioZen 1.8 µm SEC-2 Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Determining Trap Loadability using the bioZen™ 3 μm Polar C18 Nano Column in Conjunction with the bioZen RP1 Nano Trap Column (TN-1277) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Effect of Alkylamine Based Ion-pairing Reagents in Analysis of siRNA Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Effect of Different Column Lengths in SEC using Biozen dSEC 2 Columns Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Effect of Mobile Phase pH in Aggregate Analysis of Monoclonal Antibodies by Size Exclusion Chromatography using a Biozen dSEC-2 LC Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Effect of Perfluorinated Alcohols in Impurity Analysis for Synthetic Oligonucleotides Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Effect of Temperature on Single Stranded Oligonucleotide Analysis Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Effect on Resolution in SEC Comparing Different Particle Sizes and Column Sizes of Biozen dSEC-2 Columns Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Exploring the Effect of Mobile Phase Concentration on Sensitivity of Size Exclusion-Mass Spec (SEC-MS) for Monoclonal Antibodies using a bioZen SEC-3 Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Extraction of 2’-MOE Phosphorothioate from Plasma Using Clarity OTX Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Generating a Calibration Curve with UHPLC Size Exclusion Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Going from Small to Tiny: Increasing Sensitivity by Scaling Down from Micro to Nano Flow LC (TN-1278) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Guard Column Lifetime and Capacity to Protect the Biozen ™dSEC 2 Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Heat and High pH Forced Degradation of Antibodies on a Biozen dSEC-2 Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes High-Throughput Methods for Size Exclusion Chromatography Add to My Documents
Technical Notes HPLC as a Complimentary Technique to Quantify Bevacizumab Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Hyphenating Size Exclusion Chromatography to High Resolution Mass Spectrometry - Bispecific Antibody Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Hyphenating Size Exclusion Chromatography to High Resolution Mass Spectrometry - IdeZ Digested Monoclonal Antibody Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Hyphenating Size Exclusion Chromatography to High Resolution Mass Spectrometry - NIST mAb Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Improved Fragment Separation using bioZen™ 1.8 μm SEC-3 (TN-1246) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Improved Loading Capacity of bioZen 3 µm NX-C18 Fractionation Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Improved Sensitivity and Recovery Using a Biozen dSEC-2 Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Improving Resolution for Size Exclusion Chromatography Methods by Optimization of Linear Velocity Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Impurity Analysis of a 22mer DNA Phosphorothioate Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Intact Identification of Adeno-Associated Virus Capsid Proteins Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Investigating the Influence of Selectivity in bioZen Nano Column and Trap in Bottom Up Proteomics (TN-1282) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Investigating the Performance Attributes of Stationary Phase Selectivity and Particle Morphology in Nano LC-MS Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Ion-Exchange Chromatography for Charge Variant Analysis of Trastuzumab under pH and Salt Gradients using a bioZen 6 μm WCX Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Large vs. Small Molecules in Biopharmaceuticals Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Loading capacity of Biozen dSEC-2 Column Under SEC-HRMS Conditions Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Method Development for ADC Kadcyla by Size Exclusion LC Using a Biozen ™dSEC 2 Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Method Optimization for Purity Analysis of IgG Isotypes and F-Fusion Proteins by Intact Reversed Phase Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Method Optimization of Purity Analysis of a Fc-Fusion Protein by Reversed Phase HPLC Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Method Robustness Assessment for sub-2 µm Size Exclusion Columns Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Method Transferability and Robustness for Modern Size Exclusion Chromatography Methods Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Mobile Phase Optimization for the Analysis of Synthetic Oligonucleotides by Ion-Pair Reversed Phase Liquid Chromatography Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Nanoflow Lipidomics for Characterization of Lipid Mediators at Trace Levels Using a Biozen Peptide XB-C18 Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Native MS Aggregate Analysis of NIST mAb using a bioZen 1.8 µm SEC-2 Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Native MS for Aggregate and Charge Variant Analysis for Biotherapeutics Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Number of Protein and Peptide Identifications for the bioZen™ Nano 2.6 μm XB-C18 LC Column in HeLa Lysate Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Oligonucleotide Analysis by Size Exclusion Using a Biozen dSEC-2 Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Optimization of Chromatography for Intact Mass Analysis of Monoclonal Antibodies Using bioZen WidePore C4 Columns Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Optimizing Monoclonal Antibody Separation using bioZen™ SEC-3 Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Optimizing Phosphate Concentration for Size Exclusion Chromatography Aggregate Analysis Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Optimizing Separation for Charge Variant Analysis (CVA) using bioZen 6 μm WCX: Salt versus pH Gradients (TN-1245) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Organic Solvent in Size Exclusion Chromatography of an Antibody Drug Conjugate Surrogate Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Peptide Mapping of Adeno-Associated Virus Capsid Proteins Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Peptide Quantitation with a bioZen Peptide PS C18 Column Following Antibody Enrichment Through Ligand Binding with bioZen MagBeads (TN-0136) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Purity Analysis for Intact Monoclonal Antibodies and Fragments Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Released N-Glycan Analysis of Infliximab-dyyb including Sialylated Glycans using a bioZen 2.6 μm Glycan Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Resiliency of Larger Particle Sizes to Systems of Differing Dwell Volume in SEC using Biozen dSEC 2 Column Add to My Documents
Brochures SEC Chromatographic Solution in Aggregate Analysis Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Selectivity Differences in Size-Exclusion Chromatography for Monoclonal Antibodies; How Pore Size Effects Retention (TN-1251) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Size Exclusion Analysis Following IdeS Digestion Using a Biozen dSEC-2 Column Add to My Documents
Brochures Size Exclusion Chromatography FAQs Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Size Exclusion Chromatography for the Determination of Protein Hydrodynamic Radius - Revisiting the Calibration Curve Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Subunit Analysis of Monoclonal Antibodies Using Biozen 3.6 µm Intact XB-C8 Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Tandem Digestion of Monoclonal Antibodies Using Novel Cysteine Proteases Add to My Documents
Technical Notes The Effect of Column Hardware on the Analysis of Synthetic Oligonucleotides by LC-MS Add to My Documents
Technical Notes The Effect of Column Internal Diameter for Robust Size Exclusion Chromatography Methods Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Comparison of Chaotropic Reagents in Peptide Mapping Workflows (TN-1268) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Lys C Protease for Improvements in Peptide Mapping Workflows (TN-1269) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Comparison of Trypsin Digestion pH for Peptide Mapping Workflows (TN-1270) Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Troubleshooting for HPLC: Recognizing and Anticipating Challenges during Reversed Phase HPLC Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Utilizing Biphasic Salt and pH Gradients for Charge Variant Analysis (TN-1252) Add to My Documents
Brochures Biozen dSEC Aggregate Solution Analysis Japanese Add to My Documents
Brochures Biozen dSEC Column Product Guide Japanese (Biozen dSEC  カラム製品ガイド) Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Biozen Nano Column Care Add to My Documents
Brochures Biozen Oligo LC Column Brochure Japanese (Biozen Oligo LC カラム カタログ) Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Biozen Solutions Flyer Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Comparison of Fully Porous and Superficially Porous Particles for the Analysis of Synthetic Oligonucleotides - Japanese Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Comparison of UHPLC Particles for Intact Mass Subunit Analysis of Monoclonal Antibodies Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Effect of Flow Rate on Reversed Phase Separations of Monoclonal Antibodies using bioZen WidePore C4 Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Effect of Temperature on Reversed Phase Separations of Monoclonal Antibodies Using bioZen WidePore C4 Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Improving Selectivity for Intact Mass Spectrometry of Biotherapeutic mAbs Add to My Documents
Technical Notes LC-MS/MS Analysis of Trifluoroacetate in Groundwater and Drinking Water using a bioZen® Glycan 2.6 μm 150 x 2.1 mm column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes mRNA Cap Purity Analysis on a Biozen Oligo Column Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Oligonucleotide Analysis: Experience the Power of Ultra-High Recoveries and Best-in-Class Specificity Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Optimization of a Gradient Profile on Reversed Phase Separations of Monoclonal Antibodies Using bioZen WidePore C4 Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Quantitation of Neutral and Sialylated Glycans using bioZen HILIC Chromatography and Solid Phase Extraction (TN-0133) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Reproducible LC-MS/MS Separation of 38 Amino Acids in HILIC Mode using a bioZen™ Glycan LC Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Sample Clean-Up After N-Linked Glycan Release and Labeling Using bioZen N-Glycan Clean-Up HILIC SPE Microelution 96-Well Plate Add to My Documents
Technical Notes mRNA Poly A Tail Degradation Detection on a Biozen Oligo Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Using Streptavidin Coated bioZen MagBeads for Improvements in an Insulin Aspart (Novolog) Immunocapture Workflow Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Utilizing Uniform and Reliable bioZen MagBeads for the Immunocapture of Trastuzumab from Plasma Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs bioZen N-Glycan Workflow Solutions Add to My Documents
Brochures bioZen Product Guide - Japanese Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Comparison of Polymeric and Silica-Based Columns for Oligonucleotide Analysis by Ion-Pair Reversed Phase- Japanese Add to My Documents
Brochures Transition to bioZen for Charge Variant and Intact Analysis Applications Add to My Documents
Other New Methods for Determining Key Quality Attributes for mRNA by Enzymatic Digestion Followed by LC-MS/MS Add to My Documents
Technical Notes The Effect of Column Hardware on the Analysis of Synthetic Oligonucleotides by LC-MS - Japanese Add to My Documents
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