
Method Development

HPLC Columns

Synergi HPLC Information

Full Range Selectivity

Four unique phases developed to provide a different selectivity for successful separations of the most complex mixtures and challenging analytes under reversed phase conditions.



Particle Sizes (µm)2.5, 4, 10
Pore Size (Å)80, 100
Surface Area (sq. m/g)475
Carbon Load (%)11
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Polar-RP Phase Information

A polar endcapped, ether-linked phenyl phase providing polar and aromatic reversed phase selectivity

  • Increased retention of highly polar and aromatic compounds
  • Highly reproducible and stable phenyl phase
  • Enhanced polar resolution in 100 % buffer mobile phases
PhaseParticle Sizes (µm)Pore Size (Å)Surface Area (sq. m/g)Carbon Load (%)Recommended Use
Fusion-RP2.5, 4, 10100, 8047512Separation of mixtures with both polar and non-polar compounds
Hydro-RP2.5, 4, 1080, 10047519Separation of weakly hydrophobic compounds; 100% aqueous stable
Max-RP2.5, 4, 1080, 10047517Separation of basic compounds under neutral pH
Polar-RP2.5, 4, 1080, 10047511Separation of polar, aromatic compounds
*2.5 µm particles have 100 Å pore size and 400 sq. m/g surface area.
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