
High Quality SPE Products

Strata Sample Preparation Information

Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) and Simplified Liquid Extraction (SLE) Products

Strata® SPE and SLE products are manufactured by Phenomenex to bring you optimum quality, reproducibility, and performance. Used in countless methods around the world, Strata solid phase extraction (SPE) and simplified liquid extracion (SLE) products have been providing clean extracts and high recoveries for target analytes across all sample matrices.

Available Formats

96-well plates

96- Well Plates

spe tubes

1,3, and 6mL Tubes

Giga Tubes

Giga Tubes (12 - 150mL tubes )

online extraction cartridges

On-line Extraction Columns and Cartridges

Featured SPE Products

Featured SLE Products

Recommended Accessories

*Valid only in USA and Canada. Offer must be specified at time of order and cannot be combined with any other discount or promotional item. Limit 15 boxes per order. Subject to Phenomenex Standard Terms & Conditions. Consult our Privacy Policy.

C18-E Phase Detail

Sorbent TypeSilica-based
Surface Area (sq. m/g)500
Carbon Load (%)18.0
Target AnalytesHydrophobic (i.e.) those that contain carbon chains
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C18-E Phase Information

Strong Hydrophobic Retention

Strata C18-E is a silica-based end-capped C18 solid phase extraction (SPE) sorbent that offers strong hydrophobic retention with negligible secondary polar interactions from active silanol groups. Strata C18-E can be best used for extraction of hydrophobic or polar organic analytes from aqueous matrices. In addition Strata SPE sorbents are manufactured with the highest purity and extensively tested to give clean extracts.

Available Formats

96-well plates

96- Well Plates

spe tubes

1,3, and 6mL Tubes

Giga Tubes

Giga Tubes (12 - 150mL tubes )

online extraction cartridges

On-line Extraction Cartridges

Popular Part Numbers

Part Sorbent Mass Volume Format
8B-S001-EBJ 100 mg 3 mL Tube
8B-S001-FBJ 200 mg 3 mL Tube
8B-S001-HCH 500 mg 6 mL Tube
8B-S001-HDG 500 mg 12 mL Tube
View all Strata C18-E* parts »

*Strata C18-E is a recommended alternative to: Waters® Sep-Pak® tC18, Agilent® Bond Elut® C18, Biotage® IST® ISOLUTE® C18 (EC),UCT® CleanScreen® C18, and Supelco® Discovery® DSC-18.
Waters and Sep-Pak are registered trademarks of Waters Corporation. Biotage, IST and ISOLUTE are registered trademarks of Biotage. Bond Elut is a registered trademark of Agilent Technologies, Inc. Supleco and Discovery are registered trademarks of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC. Phenomenex is not affiliated with Agilent Technologies, GL Sciences, Sigma-Aldrich, or Waters Corporation.

Recommended Starting Method

  • Condition
    1 mL Methanol
  • Equilibrate
    1 mL Dionized Water
  • Load
    Pre-treated Sample
  • Load
    1 mL 5% Methanol in Dionized Water. Dry Under Vacuum for 2-5 min
  • Elute
    1 mL Methanol

Tips for Solid Phase Extraction

Outlines a simple approach to fast and practical solid phase extraction (SPE) method development. Covers:

  • Sample Pre-treatment
  • Sorbent Selection
  • Loading and Elution
Read now »

*Valid only in USA and Canada. Offer must be specified at time of order and cannot be combined with any other discount or promotional item. Limit 15 boxes per order. Subject to Phenomenex Standard Terms & Conditions. Consult our Privacy Policy.

PhaseSorbent TypeSurface Area (sq. m/g)Carbon Load (%)Target Analytes
ABW, Cation-Anion Mixed Mode Silica-based5007.0Extraction or fractionation of complex mixtures
Activated Carbon
Alumina-N Alumina-based150N/APolar compounds from food and environmental samples
Basic Screen
C18-E Silica-based50018.0Hydrophobic (i.e.) those that contain carbon chains
C18-T Silica-based30015.0Large molecules
C18-U Silica-based50017.0Hydrophobics that exhibit slight polar attributes
C8 Silica-based50010.5Extremely hydrophobic compounds
CN Silica-based50010.0Polar compounds such as those that contain hydroxyl groups
EPH Silica-basedproprietary0.0Fractionating aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons
FL-PR Florisil Florisil~Silica-based300Extraction of polar and halogenated compounds
Melamine Silica-basedproprietaryproprietaryMelamine and cyanuric acid
NH2 Silica-based5005.0Acidic compounds (i.e.) strong acids
PAH Silica-basedproprietaryproprietaryPolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Phenyl Silica-based500Hydrophobic and aromatics
SAX Silica-based5006.5Weakly acidic compounds
Screen-A Silica-based500proprietaryAcidic drugs from biological matrices
Screen-C Silica-based500proprietaryBasic drugs from biological matrices
Screen-C GF Silica-based500proprietaryBasic drugs viscous biological samples matrices
SCX Silica-based5009.0Weakly basic compounds
SDB-L DVB (Styrene divinylbenzene)500N/AHydrophobic and aromatics
SI-1 Silica Silica-based5500.0Polar analytes such as those that contain amino groups
SI-2 Silica
WCX Silica-based5008.0Basic compounds, particularly strong bases
Document Type:
Document Type Title
Technical Notes A Simple and Rapid Extraction Method for Chlorinated Pesticides from poultry fat using SPE and GCECD (TN-0090) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes An interlaboratory study on EPA methods 537.1 and 533 for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance analyses Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Analysis of 1,4-Dioxane by EPA Method 522 using Strata™ Activated Carbon Extraction in Comparison to Competitor Brand (AN-1101) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Robust Analysis of 1,4-Dioxane by Isotopic Dilution using Strata™ Activated Carbon Extraction in Comparison to Competitor Brand (TN-0147) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Analysis of PFAS in Drinking Water by EPA Method 537.1: A Direct Comparison of the Accuracy and Precision of Manual and Automated SPE Sample Preparation Add to My Documents
Other Cannabis Testing Guide 2022 (LC/GC/SP) Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Clinical Resources for Toxicology Analysis Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Comparison of PFAS Recoveries Between Cartridge Format WAX/GCB vs. Dispersive GCB for DoD Compliance (TN-0145) Add to My Documents
Other Environmental Applications Guide Add to My Documents
Brochures Environmental Sample Preparation Guide Add to My Documents
Technical Notes EPA Method 537.1: PFAS in Drinking Water Using Strata SDB-L Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) and a Luna Omega 1.6 μm PS C18 UHPLC Column (TN-0140) Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs FAQ - Strata Activated Carbon Add to My Documents
Other Food Sample Preparation Guide Add to My Documents
Brochures Meet Your SPE Support Team Add to My Documents
Other Method Development Webinar Poster Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Method Validation of a C4-C18 PFAS Panel from Water Extracts Using Dual-Mode SPE followed by LC-MS/MS Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Optimized Total Organic Fluorine Methods for a More Comprehensive Measurement of PFAS in Environmental Samples Add to My Documents
Webinar Overcoming the Challenges of Sample Preparation and LC/MS/MS Method Development for Clinical Applications Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Per and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Extraction by LC MS/MS Using Strata PFAS for a Stacked Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) Solution Add to My Documents
Brochures PFAS - UCMR 5 Frequent Asked Questions (FAQ) Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs PFAS Analysis FAQs Cross Contamination Add to My Documents
Other PFAS in Drinking Water (Extract from PFAS Guide) Add to My Documents
Other PFAS in Wastewater, Sediment, and Soils Add to My Documents
Other PFAS New Analytical Frontiers Add to My Documents
Other PFAS in Drinking Water Add to My Documents
Brochures Phenova CRMs Product Brochure Add to My Documents
Brochures Phenova PFAS CRM Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Reproducible Extraction of 1,4-Dioxane by EPA Method 522 using Strata™ Activated Carbon in Comparison to Competitor Brand (AN-1102) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Robust Analysis of 1,4-Dioxane by Isotopic Dilution Using Strata™ Activated Carbon Extraction (AN-1109) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Robust Analysis of Acrylamide in Coffee using Strata™ Activated Carbon Extraction (TN-0149) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Robust Analysis of Nitrosamine Using Strata™ Activated Carbon Extraction (AN-1110) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Robust Analysis of Nitrosamine using Strata™ Activated Carbon Extraction in Comparison to Competitor Brand (TN-0148) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Robust Analysis of Nitrosamines in a Losartan Drug Substance using Strata™ Activated Carbon Extraction Add to My Documents
Brochures Sample Preparation Accessories Add to My Documents
Other Sample Preparation Made Simple Add to My Documents
Other Sample Preparation Reference Manual & Users Guide Add to My Documents
Webinar How to Determine the Best Sample Preparation Technique for your Unique Samples Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Simple Sugars Analysis from Oyster Sauce by ELSD using Strata ABW and Luna Omega SUGAR LC Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Simple Sugars Analysis from Soy Sauce by ELSD using Strata ABW and Luna Omega SUGAR LC Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes A Simplified Approach to Sample Preparation (TN-013) Add to My Documents
Webinar Solid Phase Extraction Basics Webinar Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Solid Phase Extraction for Clean-up of Polar Molecules in Salty Aqueous Samples and Analysis with SFC-UV Add to My Documents
Brochures Strata Activated Carbon Add to My Documents
Brochures Strata Silica-Based Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) Sorbents Add to My Documents
Brochures Supported Liquid Extraction (SLE) For Clinical Applications Add to My Documents
Technical Notes TDCA and PFOS Separation on Kinetex™ C18 and Luna™ Omega C18 Columns (PFAS) Add to My Documents
Other THE Clinical Application Notebook, Volume 2 Add to My Documents
Other The Complete Guide to Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) Add to My Documents
Brochures There's a Cleaner Way Than LLE: Supported Liquid Extraction and Solid Phase Extraction Overview Add to My Documents
Brochures Toxicology Greatest Hits featuring Sample Preparation and LC Add to My Documents
Brochures Vitamin Testing Brochure Add to My Documents
Brochures ZB-FAME, The Fast FAME GC Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes A Fast Approach of a Supported Liquid Extraction (SLE) Method to Determine 25-OH Vitamin D2/D3 in Human Serum Using LC-MS/MS (TN-0128) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes A Rapid Extraction of Corticosteroids from Urine Using a Strata RP On-Line Solid Phase Extraction Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes A Simplified and Automated Extraction Method for the Determination of 25-OH Vitamin D2/D3 in Human Serum Using a Strata RP On-Line SPE Column (TN-0125) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Antibiotics Screen from Bovine Kidney Juice by LC/MS/MS (TN-1117) Add to My Documents
Brochures Celebrating 20 Years of Strata/Strata-X Solid Phase Extraction Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Chloramphenicol from Various Food Matrices by LC/MS/MS (TN-1120) Add to My Documents
Other Clinical Research Sample Preparation Application Guide Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Clinical Resources for Endocrinology and Biomarker Research Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Clinical Resources for Vitamin Testing Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Corticosteroid Extraction From Plasma Using Strata DE Supported Liquid Extraction (SLE) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Determination of Sterols in Olive Oil (TN-0114) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Development of an Automated Online SPE-LC/MS/MS Analysis of 25-OH-Vitamin D2, 25-OH-Vitamin D3, and 3-Epi-Vitamin D3 from Human Serum (TN-0089) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Environmental Contaminants from Oil Spills (TN-2045) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Evaluation of Supported Liquid Extraction and Protein Precipitation Clean-up Through Post Column Infusion (TN-0123) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Extraction of 25-OH Vitamin D2/D3 From Plasma Using Strata DE Supported Liquid Extraction (SLE) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Extraction of a Comprehensive Drug Research Panel From Urine Using Strata DE Supported Liquid Extraction (SLE) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Extraction of NSAIDs from Urine using Strata DE Supported Liquid Extraction (SLE) Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs FAST SPE Extraction of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Ibuprofen from Human Plasma by Supported Liquid Extraction (SLE) and LC-MS/MS (TN-1242) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by GC/MS and LC/MS (TN-0042) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Hormones from Drinking and Waste Water by LC/MS/MS (TN-1184) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes PFAS and GenX from Water by Solid Phase Extraction and LC-MS/MS Add to My Documents
Brochures Protect Your Mass Spec: Sample Preparation Solutions for Biological Samples Add to My Documents
Brochures Protect Your Mass Spec: Sample Preparation Solutions for Environmental Testing Add to My Documents
Brochures Protect Your Mass Spec: Sample Preparation Solutions for Food Testing Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Quick, Accurate Testing of FAMEs in Olive Oil by GC/FID Using a Zebron™ ZB-FAME GC Column (TN-2063) Add to My Documents
MSDS Safety Data Sheet for Strata Alumina-N Based SPE Products Add to My Documents
MSDS Safety Data Sheet for Strata Silica-Based SPE Products Add to My Documents
MSDS Safety Data Sheet for Strata Sodium Florisil FL-PR SPE Products Add to My Documents
MSDS Safety Data Sheet for Strata Sodium Sulfate SPE Products Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Melamine and Cyanuric Acid by LC/MS/MS (TN-0021) Add to My Documents
Brochures Solid Phase Extraction for Bioanalytical Samples Add to My Documents
Brochures Solid Phase Extraction for Clinical Research Add to My Documents
Brochures Solid Phase Extraction for Environmental Samples Add to My Documents
Brochures Solid Phase Extraction for Food Samples Add to My Documents
Other SPE Reference Manual and User Guide Add to My Documents
Brochures Strata DE Supported Liquid Extraction (SLE) Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Strata DE Supported Liquid Extraction User Guide Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Strata GCB (Graphitized Carbon Black) Add to My Documents
Brochures Supported Liquid Extraction (SLE): Choose Between Two Unique Sorbents Add to My Documents
Other The Quickest Route Through Chromatography Obstacles Add to My Documents
Technical Notes EPA Method 508.1 with Automated Extraction by GC/ECD (TN-0050) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Analysis of Opiates from Urine Using Strata Basic Screen Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) Large Reservoir Cartridges (LRC) Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Collection Plate and Sealing Mat Selection Guide Add to My Documents
Other SPE Method Development Poster for Pharmaceutical Samples Add to My Documents
Other SPE Method Development Poster for Clinical Research Samples Add to My Documents
Other SPE Method Development Poster for Food Samples Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Strata Basic Screen Large Cartridge Reservoir (LRC): Solid Phase Extraction for Drugs of Abuse from Urine Add to My Documents
Brochures Supported Liquid Extraction for Food Applications Add to My Documents
Brochures Supported Liquid Extraction for Pharmaceutical Applications Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Bianalytical Sample Pre-treatment (TN-0064) Add to My Documents
Other Food Testing Sample Preparation Application Guide - Japanese Add to My Documents
Other Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Application Guide - Japanese Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs SPE 10, 12, and 24 Position Vacuum Manifold Instructions Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs SPE 96-Well Vacuum Manifold Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Strata and Strata-X SPE User Guide Add to My Documents
Brochures ZB-FAME, The Fast FAME GC Column- Japanese Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Declaration of Conformity Add to My Documents
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