
Rugged, pH stable HPLC Columns

Gemini HPLC Information

U.S. Patent No. 7, 563, 367

Setting the Standard for pH Method Development

Rugged reversed phase HPLC columns that offer extended lifetime under extreme pH conditions and excellent stability for reproducible, high efficiency separations.

  • Take full advantage of high and low pH conditions (pH 1-12) to manipulate selectivity
  • Expect longer column lifetime with patented TWIN-NX technology
  • Ideal for analytical and preparative separations of basic and acidic compounds

Inside Twin Technology

During the final stage of silica manufacturing a unique silica-organic layer is grafted to create a completely new composite particle. This composite particle particle retains its mechanical strength and rigidity along with excellent efficiency, while the silica-organic shell protects the particle from chemical attack.

Inside Twin-NX Technology

TWIN-NX technology uses an improved patented organo-silica grafting process which incorporates highly stabilizing ethane crosslinking.

Gemini C18 and C6-Phenyl
TWIN Technology

Gemini NX-C18
TWIN-NX Technology


Particle Sizes (µm)3, 5, 10
Pore Size (Å)110
Surface Area (sq. m/g)375
Carbon Load (%)14
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C18 Phase Information

Unique selectivity, high structural integrity and increased loadability make it ideal for preparative and purification applications in pre-packed columns and bulk media.

PhaseParticle Sizes (µm)Pore Size (Å)Surface Area (sq. m/g)Carbon Load (%)Recommended Use
C183, 5, 1011037514Separation of basic compounds under high pH conditions
C6-Phenyl3, 511037512Separation of aromatic, polar, or basic compounds under high pH conditions
NX-C183, 5, 1011037514High efficiency analytical or preparative separations under extreme pH conditions
Document Type:
Document Type Title
Technical Notes Achieving Low Parts-per-Quadrillion Detection Limits for PFAS Analysis in Drinking Water (TN-1316) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Analysis of PFAS in Drinking Water by EPA Method 533: A Direct Comparison of the Accuracy and Precision of Manual and Automated SPE Sample Preparation (TN-0151) Add to My Documents
Brochures Axia- The Ultimate Pre-packed Preparative Column Add to My Documents
Other Bulk Media Selection Guide Add to My Documents
Brochures Capillary and Trap Column Solutions for Microflow LC Add to My Documents
Other Chemical Industry LC & GC Separation Solutions Guide Add to My Documents
Other Chromatography Bulk Media and PREP Guide Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Clinical Resources for Toxicology Analysis Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Determination of Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Sediments by QuEChERS and LC-MS/MS (TN-0117) Add to My Documents
Other Environmental Applications Guide Add to My Documents
Technical Notes EPA Method 533: PFAS in Drinking Water Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Evaluation of Extraction Options for EPA Draft Method 1633 Add to My Documents
Brochures Extend your Analytical and Preparative HPLC/ SFC Column Lifetimes Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Extended Gemini C18 Column Lifetime Using SecurityGuard Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Extended Gemini NX-C18 Column Lifetime Using SecurityGuard Add to My Documents
MSDS Gemini 10 μm C8(3) Add to My Documents
MSDS Gemini 10 μm NX-C18 Add to My Documents
MSDS Gemini 3 μm NX-C18 Add to My Documents
MSDS Gemini 5 μm NX-C18 Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Gemini Care and Use Notes Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Glyphosate Analysis by LC/MS/MS using FMOC Derivitization or Underivitized Method Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Hormones from Drinking Water by LC/MS/MS (TN-1163) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Vitamin C from Tablets and Soft-Gels by HPLC-UV (TN-1153) Add to My Documents
Other HPLC/UHPLC Column Phase Selection Chart Add to My Documents
Brochures Improve Your European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) and United States (USP) Monographs Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Basic Compounds by LC/MS using a High pH Mobile Phase (TN-1031) Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Modern Approaches for PFAS LC-MS/MS Analysis in Aqueous and Solid Matric Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Modernization of USP and Ph. Eur. Method – Pantoprazole Sodium Sesquihydrate Organic Impurities Add to My Documents
Brochures New pH Stable Media for Maximum Lifetime in Preparative Purifications Add to My Documents
Brochures Pain Panel Research and Solutiuons Brochure Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Per and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Extraction by LC MS/MS Using Strata PFAS for a Stacked Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) Solution Add to My Documents
Brochures Pesticide Analysis by GC/LC/Sample Prep Add to My Documents
Technical Notes PFAS - Preventing Sorbent Overload in PFAS Drinking Water Analysis using EPA 533 Method Add to My Documents
Technical Notes PFAS Analysis in Water Samples using LC/MS/MS Large-Volume Direct Injection Add to My Documents
Brochures PFAS Analytical Workflow Solutions Add to My Documents
Other PFAS Complete Testing Guide Add to My Documents
Other PFAS in Drinking Water (Extract from PFAS Guide) Add to My Documents
Other PFAS in Wastewater, Sediment, and Soils Add to My Documents
Brochures PFAS Q&A Add to My Documents
Brochures pH Flexibility Expands Robustness and Reproducibility Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Ph. Eur. Monograph 0923: Azithromycin Related Substances on Gemini NX-C18 and Durashell C18(L) Columns Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Ph. Eur. Monograph 1368: Ramipril Related Substances on NUCLEOSIL® 3 µm C18, Luna ™3 µm C18(2), Luna Omega 3 µm C18, and Gemini ™3 µm NX C18 Column Add to My Documents
Other Pharmaceutical Analysis Guide- Formulations Add to My Documents
Brochures Phenova CRMs Product Brochure Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Potassium Clavulanate Ph. Eur Monograph Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Low Concentration Amphetamines by SPE and LC/MS/MS (TN-0020) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Rapid LC-MS-MS Method for Monitoring Bio-Relevant Levels of PFAS in Serum (TN-1325) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Reducing PFAS Interferences During Human Plasma and Serum Analysis with Accurate Mass Spectrometry (TN-1323) Add to My Documents
Brochures SecurityGuard Column Protection Family Brochure (UHPLC, HPLC, PREP, SFC) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Significance of HPLC in the Development and Production of the Antiviral Drug Remdesivir Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Stationary Phases for the Process Scale Purification of Peptides and Insulin Analogs Add to My Documents
Other THE Clinical Application Notebook, Volume 2 Add to My Documents
Other The Complete Guide to Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) Add to My Documents
Other The Ultimate Guide to HPLC/UHPLC Reversed Phase Selectivity Add to My Documents
Other Ultimate Guide to Reversed Phase HPLC/UHPLC - Column Selectivity Selection Poster Add to My Documents
Other USP and EP Monograph Guide Add to My Documents
Brochures Vitamin Testing Brochure Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Basic Compounds by LC/MS using High pH Mobile Phase (TN-1031) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes A Simple and Effective High pH LC-MS/MS Method for Determination of Underivatized Vitamin B1 and B6 in Human Whole Blood (TN-1205) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes AN-1010_USP Alosetron Hydrochloride Assay and Organic Impurities on Gemini® 3 µm C18 Add to My Documents
Technical Notes AN-1011_USP Alosetron Tablets Assay and Organic Impurities on Gemini® 3 µm C18 Add to My Documents
Technical Notes AN-1014: USP Vardenafil Hydrochloride Assay and Organic Impurities on Gemini® 5 µm C18 and Gemini 5 µm NX-C18 Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Antibiotics Screen from Bovine Kidney Juice by LC/MS/MS (TN-1117) Add to My Documents
Brochures Axia Packed Gemini-NX Preparative Columns Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Clinical Resources for Vitamin Testing Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Hardware Change Insert Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Sulfonamides from Honey by LC/MS/MS (TN-0012) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Steroids from Urine and Plasma by SPE and LC/MS/MS (TN-1026) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Acetaminophen, Phenylephrine, Chlorpheneramine and Dextromethorphan by HPLC-UV (TN-1044) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Mycotoxins and Other Fungal/Bacterial Metabolites from Several Food Matrices by LC/MS/MS (TN-1119) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Nicotine, Cotinine, 3-Hydroxycotinine, Nornicotine and Anabasine in Human Urine by LC/MS/MS (TN-1161) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes PFAS and GenX from Water by Solid Phase Extraction and LC-MS/MS Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs pH LC Poster Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Ph.Eur. Monograph 0721: Ibuprofen Related Substances on Fully Porous and Core-Shell Organo-silica HPLC Columns Add to My Documents
MSDS Safety Data Sheet for Silica-Based HPLC Columns Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Nicotinic Acid and Nicotinamide in Human Plasma by LC/MS/MS (TN-1151) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Thiamine Monophosphate (TMP) and Thiamine from Human Breast Milk (TN-0062) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Using pH-LC to Control Selectivity of Acidic and Basic Compounds by HPLC (TN-1042) Add to My Documents
Other USP Allowable Adjustments Guide Add to My Documents
Other USP Allowable Adjustments Guide Japanese (米国薬局方(USP)メソッドの許容調整) Add to My Documents
Webinar Webinar Highlights: Workflow Considerations for Advanced PFAS/GenX LC-MS/MS Sample Preparation and Chromatography Add to My Documents
Other Allowable Adjustments to European Pharmacopoeia (EP) Methods Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Glyphosate Analysis by LC/MS/MS Using Gemini (FMOC Derivatized) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Impact of pH on Improving Purity and Yield for Preparative Separations (TN-1050) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Impact of pH on Improving Purity and Yield for Preparative Separations (TN-1050) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Increase Column Performance and Lifetime in Peptide and Protein Purification using Aggressive Wash Conditions (TN-1138) Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Meeting All Your PREP Needs Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Meeting All Your SFC Needs Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Novel Approach to Separating Amphetamine Enantiomers from Urine Using Lux® 3 μm AMP Chiral Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Peptide Purification Method Development: Application for the Purification of Bivalirudin (TN-1129) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Using Aromatic Selectivity for Difficult HPLC Separations (TN-1029) Add to My Documents
Other Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Application Guide - Japanese Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Axia Packed Columns Vs Traditional Packed Preparative Columns (Video) Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs HPLC Column Care Guide Add to My Documents
Other HPLC Selectivity Poster - LC ツールボックス の選択性を拡大 Add to My Documents
Other HPLCトラブルシューティングガイド - HPLC Troubleshooting Guide Add to My Documents
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