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Sample Preparation and Chromatography Considerations in PFAS-GenX LC-MS-MS Workflows »
Advancements in Food Testing from Sample Prep to LC & GC »
Advancements in Pesticides Analysis »
Since the melamine milk adulteration incident of 2008 and the implementation of FSMA (Food Safety Modernization Act) in 2012, the need for accurate, reliable and selective food testing methods have increase significantly. Phenomenex is committed to supporting the industry needs and offers analytical testing solutions for a variety of compound classes including mycotoxins, contaminants, pesticide residues, veterinary drugs,dietary supplements, vitamins, fatty acids, sugars and more. With a comprehensive product portfolio of sample preparation products, UHPLC/HPLC columns, LC/MS columns, and GC/MS columns using advanced detection instrumentation along with application support and method development services, Phenomenex can provide your lab with a solution that meets international and FSMA standards.
Find the latest webinars, technical notes, and guides for food analysis.
A rapid, robust, and sensitive multi-class screening method of antibiotics at maximum residue limit levels defined by Commission Regulation EU) No 37/2010
Complete selection of GC applications for pesticides and semi-volatiles testing including multiple EPA methods, and product-to-product comparison of resolution and quality of analysis.
Learn how to advance your food testing and food analysis methods using application-specific phases. Get tips for LC, GC, and Sample Preparation!
The ultra-high efficiency Kinetex® Core-Shell Technology provides orthogonal selectivity that is shown to be useful for the separation challenges presented in food safety analysis.
Combating Fraud Through Improved Chromatography-Dietary Supplements »
Dependable food quality testing requires chromatography products that are able to provide low cost, efficient and productive solutions across all sample matrices while maintaining versatility to combat the increasingly changing food quality regulatory requirements. By making use of Sample Preparation, HPLC, LC/MS, and GC/MS techniques, manufacturers can call on Phenomenex to assist their laboratories in improving quality while also enhancing speed and selectivity.
An ultra-fast analysis of water-soluble vitamins in nutritional drinks by gradient elution is demonstrated.
A Fast and Simple Analysis of Polyphenols in Red Wine
A simple and fast analysis of polyphenols in red wines for wine authentication. LCMSMS
An improved method for gingerol analysis from ginger root and gel caps is demonstrated.
Applications, cross-referencing tables, and retention times for common sugars and alcohols on Rezex Ion-Exclusion HPLC Columns.
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