

Extraction and Analysis of Metronidazole in Facial Cleansers

Sample Preparation Details

Part Number :8B-S029-TBJ
Description :Strata-X-C 33 µm Polymeric Strong Cation, 30 mg / 3 mL, Tubes, 50/Pk
Condition 1 : 1 mL of MeOH
Condition 2 : 1 mL of 0.1N HCl
Load :Load Sample
Wash 1 : 3 mL of 0.1N HCl
Wash 2 : 3 mL of MeOH
Wash 3 : 6 mL of Ethyl Acetate
Dry :5 min under full vacuum
Elution 1 : 1 mL of 5:95 NH4OH:MeOH (v:v)
Evaporate: :Evaporate to dryness
Reconstitute :200 µL 10:90 MeOH:0.1% Formic Acid
Notes :Evaporate to dryness at 50 C. Reconstitute in 200 uL of 10:90 MeOH:0.1% Formic Acid

Application Detail (App ID: 20631)

Part No:00B-4496-AN
Dimensions:50 x 2.1 mm ID
Elution Type:Gradient
Elution A:0.1% Formic Acid
Elution B:MeOH
Gradient Profile:
Step No. Time (min) Pct A Pct B
1 0 95 5
2 2 60 40
3 3 60 40
4 3.1 95 5
5 5 95 5

Flow Rate:300 µL/min
Col. Temp: 25 °C
Detection: Mass Spectrometer (MS) @ amu (650°C)
Detector Info: SCIEX API 4000™
Note:SecurityGuard™ ULTRA Guard Cartridge System extends column lifetime.
- SecurityGuard ULTRA Cartridges, UHPLC C18 for 2.1mm ID Columns, 3/Pk Part No.: AJ0-8782
- Holder Part No.: AJ0-9000

Analyte Details

Analyte Detail not available


13-C2 15-N-Metronidazole