

JHW018-hydroxypentyl isomers in Urine using Strata-X-Drug B

Sample Preparation Details

Part Number :8B-S128-UBJ
Description :Strata-X-Drug B 33 µm Polymeric Strong Cation, 60 mg / 3 mL, Tubes, 50/Pk
Load :Load 1.00 mL Sample diluted in 100 mM sodium acetate buffer, pH 5.0
Wash 1 :2 mL 100 mM sodium acetate buffer, pH 5.0 at 1 mL/min
Wash 2 :2 mL Acetonitrile: 100 mM sodium acetate buffer, pH 5.0 (30/70) at 1 mL/min
Dry :15 mins under 10-15 of Hg
Elution 1 :2 mL Ethyl acetate:Isopropanol (85/15) at 1 mL/min
Evaporate: :Evaporate to dryness
Reconstitute :0.50 mL 500 uL of initial HPLC mobile phase (A/B=55/45)
Notes :Extraction Protocol (No need for conditioning or equilibration of the cartridge) Load: Pre-treated samples from hydrolysis (as below) Sample Hydrolysis: Combine 1 mL Human Urine sample (spiked with analytes at 50 ng/mL), 2 mL of 100 mM sodium acetate buffer, pH 5.0, 25 uL -D-Glucoronidase (Patella Vulgata from Sigma, 100KU). Vortex 10-15 secs, followed by incubation for 2 hours in a shaker at 55o C to complete hydrolysis of the glucuronides. Wash 1: 2 mL 100 mM sodium acetate buffer, pH 5.0 Wash 2: 2 mL Acetonitrile: 100 mM sodium acetate buffer, pH 5.0 (30/70) Dry: 15 mins under full vacuum Elute: 2 ml Ethyl acetate:Isopropanol (85/15) Blow Down: To dryness under nitrogen at 40-45o C Reconstitute: With 500 uL of initial HPLC mobile phase (A/B=55/45) spiked with Internal standard at 100ng/mL

Application Detail (App ID: 20926)

Part No:00F-4462-Y0
Dimensions:150 x 3 mm ID
Elution Type:Gradient
Elution A:10mM ammonium formate
Elution B:Acetonitrile
Gradient Profile:
Step No. Time (min) Pct A Pct B
1 0 55 45
2 7 50 50
3 7.01 5 95
4 10 5 95

Flow Rate:0.6 mL/min
Col. Temp: ambient
Detection: Mass Spectrometer (MS) @ amu (22°C)
Detector Info: SCIEX SCIEX API 4000™
Note:Polarity: Positive

CAD: 7.00
CUR: 20.00
GS1: 50.00
GS2: 50.00
IS: 5500.00
TEM: 550.00
ihe: ON
EP 10.00

Analyte Details

Analyte Detail not available

JWH-073-Butanoic acid metabolite

JWH-018-5-Hydroxypentyl metabolite

JWH-018-4-Hydroxypentyl metabolite