

PhEur Atazanavir Sulfate - Impurity K; Reference solution D on Luna Omega 3u C18 150x4.6mm using Agilent 1260 Quaternary UHPLC system

Application Detail (App ID: 27718)

Part No:00F-4784-E0
Dimensions:150 x 4.6 mm ID
Elution Type:Gradient
Elution A:mix 25 volumes of acetonitrile and 75 volumes of a freshly prepared 2.73 g/L solution of potassium dihydrogen phosphate previously adjusted to pH 3.5 with dilute phosphoric acid.
Elution B:mix 25 volumes of a freshly prepared 2.73 g/L solution of potassium dihydrogen phosphate previously adjusted to pH 3.5 with dilute phosphoric acid, and 75 volumes of acetonitrile
Gradient Profile:
Step No. Time (min) Pct A Pct B
1 0 95 5
2 5.6 95 5
3 8.6 0 100
4 14.6 0 100
5 16 95 5
6 23 95 5

Flow Rate:1 mL/min
Col. Temp: 25 °C
Detection: LC/UV (DAD, PDA) @ 215.0000000000 nm (nanometers) (0°C)

Analyte Details

Analyte Detail not available

Impurity K