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Kinetex Core-Shell Columns

Earn the Gold Seal of Quality

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Introducing Kinetex PS C18

  • Enhanced Retention for Polar Basic Compounds
  • 100% Aqueous Stability
  • Available in 2.6 µm for UHPLC and HPLC
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Download the Kinetex Core-shell LC Product Guide

Access the Kinetex Product Guide and learn how the Kinetex core-shell technology can help you rock your LC laboratory. Includes tips for:

  • Phase selection
  • Method development
  • Scale-up
  • System suitability
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Thrive with Kinetex Core-shell Technology

By making the switch from fully porous to core-shell particles, labs gain instant access to increased productivity, improved chromatographic results, easy method transferability, and significant cost savings.

Request your Free on-site deminar or seminar now!

Complete Scalable Solutions from UHPLC to HPLC to PREP LC

Prep LC

Ready to Rock Your Lab?

Experience LC resolution and efficiency that will leave your toes tappin' and fingers snappin'. The Particles are headlining The Rock Your Lab Concert Tour —they will rock your goggles off!

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