
Ultracarb HPLC Columns

Ultracarb HPLC Information

High Carbon Load HPLC Columns
Ultracarb columns are recommended for older traditional methods. These columns have a high carbon load, which reduce silanol activity, resulting in a reversed column that gives good peak shape for basic compounds.

ODS (30)

ODS (30) Phase Information

The Ultracarb ODS(30) contains one of the highest commercially available carbon loadings, at 31 %. Ultracarb columns yield high efficiencies and symmetrical peaks for basic compounds, making sample quantification simple and reliable. The excellent stability of the ODS(30) phase in mobile phase systems of pH 2 to 9 allows a wide range of mobile phases to
be used.

Document Type:
Phase: Particle Size: Pore Size: Length: Internal Diameter:

Part Number:00G-0351-E0

Description:Ultracarb™ 5 µm ODS (30) 60 Å, LC Column 250 x 4.6 mm, Ea

Required Holder:

Stationary Phase:ODS (C18)

Solid Support:Fully Porous Silica


Separation Mode:Reversed Phase

Recommended Use:Older non-demanding methods

USP Designation:

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Brand Phase Particle
Size (µm)
Size (Å)
Length (mm) Internal
Diameter (mm)