
Monolothic HPLC Columns

Onyx HPLC Information

Finish First with Monolithic HPLC Columns

Monolithic silica-based HPLC columns that are designed for high-throughput analysis and the direct injection of dirty or viscous samples.

  • Reduce run times with extremely high flow rates (up to 9 mL/min)
  • “Dilute-and-Shoot” dirty biological samples
  • Scalable from capillary to semi-prep column dimensions

Monolithic C18

Pore Size (Å)130
Surface Area (sq. m/g)300
Carbon Load (%)18
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Monolithic C18 Phase Information

Octadecyl silane ligands are bound to the monolithic silica surface, making for a general hydrophobic phase for viscous and dirty samples.

PhasePore Size (Å)Surface Area (sq. m/g)Carbon Load (%)Recommended Use
Monolithic C1813030018For use with Onyx Columns~Fast separation of hydrophobic compounds in dirty or viscous samples
Monolithic C8130300N/AFast separation of very hydrophobic compounds in dirty or viscous samples
Monolithic HD-C1813030018Fast separation of hydrophobic compounds in dirty or viscous samples
Phase: Particle Size: Pore Size: Length: Internal Diameter:

Part Number:CH0-8464

Description:Onyx™ Monolithic C18, LC Column 25 x 3 mm, Ea

Required Holder:

Stationary Phase:C18

Solid Support:Monolithic Silica Rod


Separation Mode:Reversed Phase

Recommended Use:Fast separation of hydrophobic compounds in dirty or viscous samples

USP Designation:L1

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Size (µm)
Size (Å)
Length (mm) Internal
Diameter (mm)