
Claricep Flash Columns

Claricep Information

Seamlessly Upgrade to CLARICEP Flash Columns

Claricep Flash columns offer improved performance and less undesirable silica surface activity than regular flash columns. With Claricep you can expect

  • Quality
  • Reproducibility
  • Stability
Traditional Flash Columns
  • High surface activity that causes instability of certain compounds
  • Unwanted tailing or overly long retention of basic compounds due to secondary ionic reactions or metal chelating effects
  • Poor reproducibility
  • Narrow range of selectivities
  • Pressure limited
Claricep Flash Columns
  • Deactivated Silica surface promotes compound stability
  • Excellent peak shape & performance for both acidic and basic compounds
  • High quality & reproducibility
  • Wide range of selectivities
  • High pressure tolerance


C18 Phase Information

CLARICEP Spherical C18 Columns

  • Significantly improved performance over regular flash columns
  • Silica deactivated by proprietary process
  • Alternative selectivity for complex purification requirements
Average Particle Size: 20 µm
Average Pore Size: 100 Å
Carbon Loading: 14%
Average Particle Size: 20-35 µm
Average Pore Size: 100 Å
Carbon Loading: 14%
Average Particle Size: 20-35 µm
Average Pore Size: 60 Å
Carbon Loading: 15%
Average Particle Size: 40-60 µm
Average Pore Size: 100 Å
Carbon Loading: 14%
Phase: Particle Size: Pore Size:

Part Number:SO230040-0

Description:Claricep Flash Spherical C18 Column, Spherical, 20-35µm 100Å, 40g/column, Ea

Required Holder:

Stationary Phase:

Solid Support:

Format:Cartridge Column ( Conventional )

Separation Mode:

Recommended Use:

USP Designation:

 Search Results

Brand Phase Particle
Size (µm)
Size (Å)
Length (mm) Internal
Diameter (mm)