

Reproducible LC-MS/MS Separation of 38 Amino Acids in HILIC Mode using a bioZen™ Glycan LC Column

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, making them an extremely well researched compound class. With thousands of naturally occurring amino acids available, separating and quantitating a mixture of amino acids can be challenging. While HPLC is a well characterized method for amino acid analysis, LC-MS analysis of amino acids poses several challenges: 1. Some compounds are very polar and are hard to retain by reversed phase HPLC, 2. Isomers can coelute and are difficult to differentiate from each other, and 3. While effective, HILIC based separation sometimes results in poor reproducibility. These challenges were overcome by combining the separation power of the bioZen Glycan HILIC phase LC column with SWATH® Acquisition, resulting in highly reproducible resolution and accurate quantitation and confirmation of 38 amino acids.
Document Type:
Technical Notes
Clinical Food & Beverage Life Science
Amino Acids HPLC / UHPLC
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